In BBH beauty section we always try to share cost effective, organic and all natural beauty care methods and beauty tips for you, so that you can avoid harmful chemicals and costly products to be more beautiful version of yourself. Today we will talk about body odour.
Sweating is a natural mechanism that keeps our body healthy and drains toxins from it. For humans, sweat itself is practically odorless. Body odor is presumed as a bad smell that our bodies will give off when bacteria that live on the skin split proteins in our sweat in to various acids. Each one has a distinct body odor (BO) that can be friendly or subtle, but mostly unpleasant. Although body odor is a natural phenomenon, our attitude and personality may be influenced by it.
1. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent which means it contracts the tissues of your skin and decreases sweat production. It is also anti-inflammatory, destroying bacteria from the skin, making it an excellent replacement for deodorant. Witch hazel is a common alternative to deodorant since it leaves no residue on the skin and easily zaps the odor.
The soothing, clean-smelling liquid is both drying and deodorizing. Splash witch hazel directly on your skin or take a few drops of witch hazel on a cotton ball and dab it on your underarms and other sweat-prone regions of your body.
2. Apple cider vinegar

Naturally acidic, Apple cider vinegar is full of antioxidant properties and is naturally antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal, making it a go-to for those in and beyond the organic community. Rubbing apple cider vinegar on your underarms will help decrease the odor caused by bad bacteria.
Mix half a cup of ACV with one cup of water in a spray bottle and you should shake it well before spraying on your underarms, feet or chest. After it’s already diluted, you won’t need a rinse.
3. Lemon

Lemon juice is another highly acidic ingredient which doubles as a home remedy for body odor. Lemon juice acts as a great antiseptic, reducing your skin’s pH and rendering it uninhabitable for bacteria.
Cut a lemon into slices and rub it directly on your armpitsr, squeezing them a bit as you go. Let it air-dry to prevent underarm odour.Repeat once daily until you notice an improvement in your armpit odor.
4. Baking Soda

This ability to extract odors and absorb moisture from the skin has contributed to baking soda being a common choice as a natural deodorant. ‘ Baking soda also reduces environment’s pH levels, allowing the bacteria that usually feed off the fatty acids in the acidic sweat being unable to function. Sprinkle Baking soda on a damp washcloth and pat the sweat-prone area.
5. Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol’s antibacterial effects kill the surface bacteria on the skin, and this removes body odor. To help eliminate body odors, a person should apply rubbing alcohol under the armpits.
Take a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and apply it to your underarms. Shortly after shaving, though, you should avoid applying rubbing alcohol as it can induce stinging.