brain boosters

6 Reasons to Include Mushroom in Your Daily Diet


Mushrooms are a great source of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. This healthy food improves your heart, bones, and brain health while encouraging weight management and boosting your immune system.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Beet Root

  • S. Afreen 
beetroot health benefits

Beetroots, though, provide an outstanding nutritional profile that contains a ton of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are important for our health.

Top 5 Brain-Boosting Food

brain health

The foods we consume can have a significant effect on our brain’s development and wellbeing. Eating a brain-boosting diet can support brain function in both the short and the long term.
Research shows that if you add those “smart” foods to your daily diet, you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain well into your old age.