
Top 3 Effective Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

  • S. Afreen 
beautiful feet

Dry skin that hardens and cracks on the heels is common, especially in the winter. To relieve the dryness and cure broken skin, there are a number of skin care regimens you can follow at home.

Amazing Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera.

aleo vera

It’s no wonder that this plant’s extracts have incredible hydrating and skin-healing powers. This vitamin and antioxidant-rich plant is able to fight acene, resist black spots, soothe sunburn, and even slow down the signs of aging.

Top 4 DIY Cost-Effective Secret for Longer Lashes


Length and thick eyelashes add real elegance to the face. No doubt perfect eyelashes are what most people desire. But not all of them are blessed with the picture-perfect lashes!
Due to products like a mascara or medicated eye drops that may dry out the hair or cause the lashes to break mid-shaft, your eyelashes get brittle and fragile.
There are several options to grow your own lashes naturally without needing to resort to eyelash extensions or insane fake lashes. Here are some of the most important natural oils that will perform miracles on your lashes.