Scars are a sign of healing; “scarring” refers to a fibrous mechanism in which a full-thickness injury is replaced with fresh collagen. Yet it can be very unpleasant for Acne Marks. In specific, acne scars are the result of the body attempting to restore damage to the skin by collagen formation. If you have concave scars or depression, during recovery, the skin contains very little collagen. If you have concave or elevated scars, during recovery, the skin contains too much collagen. We are sharing the top 3 natural skin care tips that are successful remedies to this skin dilemma that decrease the appearance of the scars.

1. Black Seed Oil
Black seed is a miraculous ingredient, has been used as a remedy for centuries in native Eastern Europe, western Asia, and the Middle East. It helps to reduce acne, skin irritation, and inflammation, speed up the healing of wounds, and to reduce acne scars.
It has antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties and is packed with vitamin A and amino acids. By greatly decreasing the redness and scarring caused by skin inflammation, the oil reduces the appearance of spots and acne. It can even eliminate pigmentation or even avoid acne altogether.
2. Honey
As a respected ingredient beyond the kitchen, honey has centuries-long credibility. Honey, is used for numerous medicinal purposes including burns, wounds, and herpes. It can even speed the healing of wounds.
When dealing with acne, Honey is also an excellent partner to have on your side. It’s also an incredibly beneficial remedy for acne scars.
Honey is a natural humectant (draws moisture into the skin), antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral/anti-fungal. The honey helped to stimulate the growth of tissue, keep wounds clean as they heal. Honey also contains trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide that makes it effective in fading skin discoloration, so when it comes to solving pesky post-acne marks and hyperpigmentation, all these properties are especially helpful.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a perfectly natural choice to reduce residual skin damage caused by acne or other wounds. 99.5 percent water and about 75 active ingredients can be found in aloe vera gel, plus amino acids, salicylic acid, lignins, vitamins, minerals, saponins, and enzymes. On directly applying to wounds aloe vera can reduce inflammation and scar tissue size. Aloe vera also facilitates the synthesis of collagen which manages to repair cuts and scars rapidly.