Health benefits of honey is more than we can name. It will not false if we called it a worldwide top health product. Honey is known for its properties as flavouring, medicinal, nourishing, moisturizing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory from 8000 years.

1. Honey helps to loose some fat.
One of the magical health benefits of honey is that its intake right before bedtime will help you burn more calories during the early sleep hours. Honey reduce appetite and help you lose weight, as its production of glucose in the liver.
This glucose keeps the levels of sugar in the brain elevated and causes it to release hormones that burn fat.
2. Honey can soothe your cough
Honey is a safe and effective alternative to over-the-counter cough medicine. It reduces common cold symptoms for centuries and now science also proves that. WHO (World Health Organization) recommend Honey as the best home remedies for both dry cough and wet cough.
Research has also shown that drinking a spoonful of honey will decrease discomfort in the throat. Honey is the preferred natural cough remedy for children, approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics. As honey helps to alleviate nocturnal cough and allows for proper sleep.
3. Honey can treat your wounds
Some research shows that honey’s topical application on minor to moderate wounds will accelerate the healing.
Honey kills bacteria which live on your skin will infect and penetrate the wound site after any skin injury. It even heals wounds that do not respond to antibiotics. Before using honey on wounds do make sure that honey is free of contamination itself.
4. Honey helps you sleep
Eating foods rich in tryptophan or food thats helps body’s natural production of tryptophan can helps you sleep better. It’s a hormone that makes you relax by saying “it’s time to sleep”. Its contain tryptophan and therefore you can take honey for sleep.
5. Honey boost brain function
Honey intake reduces oxidative stress and helps to relax and soothe the brain, which in the long run can help to increase memory. The natural antioxidants and medicinal properties in honey help improve the cholinergic system of the brains and the circulation and receding cells that cause loss of memory.
When we age there’s also hormone-related decline in mental function, especially in women after menopause are higher. Taking a daily spoonful of honey helps to boost brain health for all, including post-menopausal women.
6. Honey heal the digestive system.
Honey’s only one or two teaspoons can soothe the discomfort and help heal the digestive system.
Research proves that honey can reduce the intensity and period of diarrhea. s it also promotes increased intake of potassium and sodium, which is of particular benefit when diarrhea occurs.
7. Honey improves athletic performance.
Honey is an excellent source of natural energy. As the natural unprocessed sugar in it reaches directly into the bloodstream and this in effect will provide a rapid boost in energy. It also improves levels of stamina thus reducing muscle tiredness due to a good ratio of fructose and glucose in honey. It is a natural, simple yet effective alternative to sports drinks. Honey will help to keep glycogen in your muscle, this is essentially retained muscle strength, which gives the athletes a performance boost when they need it most.
8. Honey nourishes skin and hair.
Antibiotic properties and skin-benefiting antioxidants properties of honey makes it an ideal natural skin and hair care ingredient. Honey can treat anything from dry skin to eczema and acne ailments.
When applied to your face its antioxidants, antiseptic and antibacterial properties help you to battle acne whilst keeping your pores clean of oily dirt while keeping them hydrated and healthy to give you a clear complexion.
It is also helpful in keeping the scalp and hair follicles clean, encouraging healthy hair growth.
9. Honey is natural sweetener.
One of the obvious health benefits of honey is as natural sweetner. Since the honey is slightly sweeter than the sugar, less can be used to obtain the same sweetness. Sugar is higher on the glycemic index (GI) than honey, Meaning blood sugar levels are not elevated as rapidly by honey compare to sugar.
10. Antibiotic properties.
This has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects, and is hence also used in conventional medicines as a natural antiseptic. Even in the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which cause life-threatening infections in humans, in-vitro tests on different medical grade honeys showed potent bactericidal activity. Antimicrobial activity is dependent on the nectar source.