We all know that we should eat well, exercise regularly, de-stress and adopt a daily skincare routine of course. There is one thing we know for sure when it comes to your skin: what you eat will have a significant effect on how you look. Healthy skin is a representation of how healthy you are inside. If you need to treat acne, avoid premature aging, lower the incidence of wrinkles, or battle back against another troublesome skin disorder, the right diet can be a valuable aid. After all, beautiful skin begins with internal nourishment.

1. Avocado
Packed with antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene, avocados help soften and hydrate the skin if applied topically. Avocados are rich in beneficial fats and contain essential vitamins E and C along with antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene for healthy skin. The fruit is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to hydrate and protect the skin by reducing the possibility of ultraviolet radiation causing premature aging.

2. Salmon
Salmon is a source of Omega-3 fatty acids are required to help maintain healthy, supple, moisturized skin, decrease inflammation which can cause redness and acne, and can also make the skin less vulnerable to harmful UV rays in the sun
Salmon also contains dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), that strengthen the defense of the cell membranes against their degradation, which causes premature aging. DMAE acts in combination with B vitamins can keep your face tone and firm.
Salmon is also a source of vitamin E, one of the most effective antioxidants for your skin. Getting enough vitamin E is necessary to help protect your skin from damage from free radicals and inflammation .

3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are filled with natural vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin C. But what makes tomatoes stand out in the world of beauty, is lycopene, an antioxidant with amazing anti-aging properties.
Thus, consuming tomatoes will help lower the amount of cell-damaging free radicals in your body and give you youthful skin. Tomatoes also fight cell damage, retaining more moisture, thus preventing fine lines and wrinkles

4. Carrot
Carrots are a powerhouse for radiant skin due to a large amount of beta carotene that helps prevent cell degeneration, slows the aging process and brightens the skin. Vitamin A present in carrot juice also helps maintain healthy body tissue, skin, bones, and teeth. Carrots also have a high amount of vitamin C, which promotes the growth of collagen, reduces acne and dark spots.

5. Oats
Oats is high fiber food, which feeds your inflammation-reducing gut bacteria, minimizes blood sugar spikes that can contribute to skin problems, and strengthen and firm up your body tissues.
Its high silicon also helps the skin maintain elasticity, slowing down the signs of aging.

6. Dark Chocolate
The antioxidants known as flavanols in dark chocolate minimize skin roughness and provide sun protection, give you thicker skin, with better hydration and improved blood flow — which gives the skin more nutrients.
Antioxidants of cocoa protect the skin from oxidative stress, which can lead to premature skin aging may also improve wrinkles. In fact, chocolate is a perfect source of pre- and probiotics to help cure the gut and reduce inflammation.

7. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in your body. Carotenoids such as beta-carotene help preserve healthy skin by serving as a natural sunblock. The antioxidant is absorbed into your skin when eaten, which helps protect your skin cells
from exposure to sunlight. This will help avoid sunburn, death of cells and dry, wrinkled skin. Interestingly, large levels of beta-carotene can also add warm orange color to your skin, which leads to a healthy overall appearance

8. Eggs
Eggs are perfect for the skin, they make the skin smooth, firm and hydrate. It is known to contain amino acids which help to build new skin cells.
The yolk is rich in vitamins, essential for proper cell function, as well as containing biotin, This B vitamin helps protect the skin against acne, rashes, and even dryness.
Lysine and proline (amino acids) are abundant in egg whites, as well as in collagen itself. So adding egg whites to your diet could help promote the natural development of collagen in your body to help reduce fine lines

9. Honey
Full of probiotics, antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes, honey is extremely nourishing and the ideal anti-aging aid as it helps your skin to plump and hydrate and prevents free-radical harm. It absorbs and maintains moisture, and rebuilds the amount of moisture without oily skin

10. Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are rich in many vitamins and antioxidants, including vitamin C and various carotenoids. Carotenoids can help the skin to resist wrinkles, fight acne and improve blood circulation, allowing it to appear more youthful. Whereas vitamin C is important for the development and growth of skin tissue and for the construction of collagen and the reduction of the appearance of wrinkles