Health Benefits of Tomatoes

  • S. Afreen 

The tomato is a fruit, but due to its nutrition content, it is treated as vegetables. Tomatoes, top the list of superfoods due to their nutrient-dense profile, low content of sugar and carb. There are many health benefits of Tomatoes.

A medium tomato contains gg 22 calories,  around 5 grams of carb, 3 grams of sugar, and 1.5ram fiber. Besides being healthy Tomatoes also adds a delicious taste to your regular recipes but also have a variety of health benefits.

1. Tomatoes for Heart Health

Nutritious content of tomatoes makes them important in the fight against heart disease. 

Tomatoes have an antioxidant Lycopene, which is responsible for their red color. Lycopene can reduce LDL cholesterol and avoid clotting in the blood.

Not only Lycopene of tomaotes helps to decrease blood pressure. Tomatoes are also high in potassium. Potassium aids to relieve blood pressure by extracting some of the salt from the bloodstream and calming the blood vessel walls.

Hence tomatoes improves the heart health while reducing the risk of heart stroke by lowering bad cholesterol, blood pressure and blood clotting.

2. Tomatoes help fight Cancer

Tomatoes’ Lycopene is a cancer-fighting nutrient that protects against several cancers, including prostate, breast, lung, bowel, dental, and cervical cancers.

Cancer cells can stay inactive in the human body for years. They get activated by a chemical reaction and bind themselves to the blood supply of the body. lycopene can disturb this process of binding. thereby stopping the cancer cells from developing further. The American Institute for Cancer Research also speculates that lycopene also prevents cells by improving the immune response against damage that could lead to cancer.

The cancer-fighting ability of tomatoes can be enhanced by taking them as a sauce, juice, or paste. As it has higher lycopene concentrations and makes it easier for the body to absorb lycopene.

3. Tomatoes Aid Weight loss Journey

Tomatoes help aid your weight loss journey in two ways. Firstly Tomatoes are low in calories and have high amounts of water, air, fiber. Hence, Tomatoes may induce the feeling of fullness and reduce your calorie intake.

Second, tomatoes promote the production of the amino acid carnitine, which has been shown to speed up the fat-burning potential of the body by more than 30 percent.
Only one glass of tomato juice a day will slim your waistline and help you lose some measurable kilos, according to a new report.