At just 10 calories a stalk, but beyond use as diet food, Celery is one of the best food for health. Crispy, crunchy celery can be mixed into cooked recipes, stir-fries, and salads, and is one of the favorite healthy snacks. It contains useful phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and actually has a number of health benefits. Here are four reasons you should consider adding celery to your diet.
1. Promote Healthy Digestive System
Eating celery for digestion and heartburn is an efficient cure for you whether you have intestinal disorders, constipation, bloating or any other types of digestive problems. Celery is filled with B6, B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), and B1 vitamins (thiamine). These vitamins help preserve your digestive tract’s mucous membrane, and they also increase the production of acids, bile, and gastric juices that boost fat, protein, and carbohydrate digestion.
Celery’s water content is approximately 95%, and it is full of insoluble fiber, all of which help promote regularity.
2. Improves Kidney Function
It is known that celery juice clears toxins that lead to the development of kidney stones and has long been used in traditional medications. In celery juice, the mineral salts keep the kidneys functioning and boost the efficiency of the kidneys. Studies have shown that daily celery intake can help improve the health of the kidneys and prevent Kidney Disease.
3. Maintains Blood Pressure level
Celery juice has all the properties that fit the bill of an optimal diet for hypertension.
Celery contains a phytochemical known as phthalides. It can increase blood flow by relaxing the muscles of the artery walls, restricts rapid blood pressure fluctuations, and also lowers bad cholesterol in the body.
In celery juice, there is a strong level of natural sodium that will allow you to digest the nutrients from the food that you can consume the rest of the day.
Celery has many other essential nutrients, including a high level of potassium and coumarin-supporting blood circulation, which tend to alleviate hypertension a lot.
4. Improves Bone Health
Long, thin celery stalks look much like bones, and they’re also good for them. It’s packed with bone-healthy nutrients that are essential for bone building.
Celery, though it contains an excess of flavonoids, also has anti-inflammatory effects. This green veg for this purpose, protect the body from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis. For this and several other factors, celery is included in the list of Foundation Food for the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.