Calcium is a nutrient required by all living organisms including humans. It is the most abundant mineral in the body. In addition to promoting the development of healthy teeth and bones, calcium allows clotting of our blood, contracting our muscles, and beating our heart. Calcium also helps carry messages from your brain to other parts of your body.
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are the best sources of calcium, but there are also many nondairy foods that are rich in the mineral. The following foods are high in calcium and do not contain any items of animal origin.
1. Chia Seed

The seeds of Chia are packed with calcium. In a 3-tablespoon serving, there are 233 milligrams, which is about the same level of calcium as present in 1 cup of milk (299 mg). Chia serving is a perfect, dairy-free source of this mineral.
Chia seeds are full of essential nutrients, in spite of their small size. They are an excellent source of antioxidant rich omega-3 fatty acids and they provide fiber and iron. Health benefits for chia seeds include reducing appetite and weight, decreasing triglycerides, and improving levels of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes.
2. Almond
Almonds not only contain almost 200 mg of the required daily calcium dose, but they also deliver a whole host of nutrients — healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. Almonds’ health benefits include lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol rates. They do have the ability to alleviate hunger and encourage weight loss.

3. Sunflower Seed
Sunflower seeds can be small but pack a nutritious punch. A single cup of sunflower seed kernels has a calcium content of 109 mg.
These seeds are also rich in magnesium, balancing the effects of calcium in the body and controlling the health of the nerves and muscles. They are a great source of several vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin E, phosphorus, linoleic fatty acids, and other plant compounds that can help prevent chronic diseases..

4. Broccoli & Broccoli Rabe
Broccoli is high in calcium, as is its slightly bitter-tasting relative, broccoli rabe, and a host of other good-for-you-nutrients. A cup of the steamed variety has a whopping 301 milligrams of calcium that protects the bone, and is also a good source of immune-boosting vitamin C. Add both veggies to your diet so you stay healthy and strong.

5. Figs
Figs are the superfood featured today because of their nutritional value, overall, is very impressive. They have the highest content of all traditional fruits, nuts, or vegetables in minerals and fibers. One serving of figs (fresh or dried) provides 6 percent of the daily calcium and iron value, and 7 percent of the daily potassium value.