Guava is recognised as the Queen of all fruits because of Guava amazing health benefits and exceptional dietary profile.
Guavas have a sweet, tropical taste similar to pear, but with a little more crunch. This low-calorie tropical fruit is high in fibre and antioxidants, as well as vitamin C and potassium.
The following are only a few of the impressive Guava health benefits.

1. Boost your immunity
Guava is one of the most vitamin C-dense fruits. One guva has almost double quantity of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C . Vitamin C is important to improve immunity and protects you from viruses and diseases. It also makes your eyes healthy.
2. Guava improves heart health
Guava has a high sodium and potassium content, which helps the body stabilise and control high blood pressure in hypertension patients. Guavas aid in the reduction of cholesterol, which is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Guavas also aid in the reduction of poor cholesterol (LDL) and the rise in healthy cholesterol (HDL).
Many scientists believe that guava leaves’ high levels of antioxidants and vitamins will help protect your heart from free radical harm.
3. Guava fights diabetes
Guavas help to avoid diabetes because of their high fibre content and low glycaemic index. The low glycemic index prevents a rapid increase in sugar levels, while the fibre content keeps sugar levels low.
4. Guava boost gut health
In contrast to other fruits, Guavas is one of the richest sources of dietary fibre. Only one guava provides about 12% of your daily prescribed fibre intake, making it highly beneficial for your digestive health. Guava seeds, when chewed or swallowed , act as laxatives, assisting in the development of healthy bowel function.
5. Guava releases stress
Guava is high in magnesium, a mineral that helps to calm the body’s muscles and balance the stress hormone cortisol. This, in essence, aids in stress relief and has been shown to reduce anxiety. So, after a long and exhausting day, , pour yourself a glass of Guava Juice and refresh your body.
6. Guava improves eyesight
Guava is well known not only for preventing degradation but also for improving vision health. The high concentration of Vitamin A of guava aids in the improvement of eyesight. Cataracts and macular degeneration can also be slowed down by eating this fruit.
7. Guava beautify your skin
A guava’s wide variety of vitamins and antioxidants can be beneficial to your skin. Its antioxidants may help to protect your skin from damage, slowing down the ageing process and restoration of skin radiance and freshness.
Tropical application of guava leaf extract may aid in the treatment of acne. Whereas directly appyling guava may help tone and tighten the facial muscles, treat of skin discoloration, dark circles, redness, and acne inflammation.