Top 5 Health Benefits of Eggplant.

  • S. Afreen 

The deep purple, glossy beauty, eggplant is healthy food to eat. It brings a variety of vitamins and minerals, and also includes essential phytonutrients in addition to a distinctive texture and mild taste to recipes.
When it comes to health benefits, Eggplant packs a punch. If you include eggplant in your healthy eating habits, you will get a healthier heart, bones, brain, and digestive system as well.

eggplant health benefits

1. Improves Heart Health

The fiber in eggplants aims to enhance the wellbeing of your heart! This is because fiber decreases the amount of cholesterol your body consumes by binding it to the bile of your digestive system so that it is naturally disposed of by your body.
An anthocyanin found in eggplants helps enhance the functioning of the heart by helping to minimize arterial stiffness and central blood pressure.

2. Ideal Diabetics Diet

A low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diet ideal for diabetics is eggplant or Brinjal. In eggplant, high phenol levels have been shown to promote carbohydrate metabolism, protect beta-cells, the cells that make insulin, improve insulin function, and increase glucose synthesis. 
Eggplants have a limited soluble starch content while being filled with fiber.

3. Enhance Digestive Wellbeing

Eggplants boost the processes of the digestive system by serving as a natural laxative. In addition to water and antioxidants, which can prevent the danger of inflammation, the high fiber content of eggplants is a perfect way to improve digestive wellbeing and also helps to relieve constipation.

5. Boost Bone Health

Phenolic compounds of eggplants, which give them their exquisite purplish color, which has been shown to reduce osteoporosis, encourage healthier bones, and improve bone density.
Eggplants are also loaded with two very important minerals for bone health: potassium and calcium. Calcium contributes to bone health and overall strength, potassium contributes to calcium uptake, rendering eggplants a complete booster of osteoporosis and bone health.

6. Improves Brain Function

Eggplant’s phytonutrients facilitate blood supply to the brain. It helps improve memory by enhancing the development of the neural pathways by supplying more blood to the brain.
Nasunin, anthocyanin found in eggplant skin, can help protect brain cell membranes from free radical damage. Nasunin also helps to transport nutrients and carry waste out from brain cells.