Their nutrient abundance makes bananas a “superfood” and should be an important part of your balanced everyday diet. They provide digestion benefits, heart health benefits, and weight loss benefits. Besides being very healthy, they often constitute a very easy snack food.

1. Energy Booster
Every other trainer will encourage you to eat bananas before a workout, to boost your energy levels.
Bananas may have been one of the best energy foods. They are an excellent source of carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin B6 which can all help to boost your body’s energy levels. It gives your physical and mental health an immediate, continuous, and significant boost of energy.
2. Improves Heart Health
Bananas are a good dietary source of potassium and magnesium — two essential nutrients to heart health. A medium-sized banana will provide about 320-400 mg of potassium which meets about 10 percent of your daily potassium requirements. Potassium helps your body keep heart and blood pressure healthy.
3. Aids in Weight Loss
Banana is a healthy addition to a balanced diet, as it provides a variety of vital nutrients and is a good source of fiber.
While consuming bananas cannot contribute directly to weight loss, some of these fruits’ properties can help a individual reduce bloating, control their appetite, and replace refined sugars.
They have a high content in fibre. Unripe bananas contain resistant starch that can help people feel more full for longer periods of time. This satiety can help weight loss by diminishing the tendency to overeat.
4. Source of Natural laxatives and Constipation Relief
Interestingly, depending on their ripeness, bananas can be either a cause of natural laxatives or a source of constipation relief. Their capacity as a natural constipation relief or digestive blockage shows largely in its color and maturity.
It possesses high amounts of starch when the banana is green or unripe which cancels the ability of the fruit to relieve constipation. In yellow bananas, on the other hand, the banana fiber helps you release bowels more easily.
5. Improves Skin Health
Bananas are the secret to healthy skin. You may use a banana as an all-natural face mask that moisturizes your skin and gives it a smoother look and feel. Rich in potassium and moisture, dry skin will be hydrated and moisturised, making it soft and supple. Vitamin A restore moisture in bananas softens the rough texture of the skin and heals dry, parched skin.
6. Makes you happy
The happy fruit, bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body transforms into serotonin known as the satisfaction hormone. That’s why eating bananas will immediately make you more relaxed and calm, improve your mood, and make you feel happier in general.
7. Sleeping Aid
This favorite fruit constitutes a great sleep aid. Bananas are a good source of magnesium and potassium that helps calm the stress hormones and are also a natural muscle relaxant, reducing stress and anxiety, alleviating muscle cramps, and regulating your sleep-wake cycle.
8. Gives Texture, Thickness and Shine to Hair
Bananas can give a boost in texture, thickness and shine to your hair. Banana has become a popular ingredient in homemade hair masks for conditioning and softening hair, improving handling and shine, preventing and controlling dandruff and moisturizing scalp. Banana is rich in potassium, natural oils, silica, carbohydrates and vitamins that help soften the hair and protect the natural elasticity of the hair, preventing split ends and breakage.