4 Easy Home Remedies For Acne

Acne can impact not only your skin but also your self-esteem. But few simple, organic and cost-effective home remedies for acne can help you reduce them and avoid them in the first place.

What is causes of Acne?

Acne occurs when the skin’s pores get plugged with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Every pore of the skin is the opening of a follicle. Acne also induces whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples, and usually occurs on the nose, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. Acne is most common among adolescents but affects people of all ages.
Some of the daily to naturally cure this skin problem are listed as follows

Home remedies for acne

1. Honey:

Unpasteurized honey, such as manuka honey, is used to treat acne. Because to be successful, it is important that the honey you are using still retains its good bacteria. It is known for its excellent antibacterial properties, as it helps to clean the skin pores and prevents the growth of acne-promoting microbes.
Clean your face and apply some honey with your fingertips on your pimples. Leave it on for at least one hour or overnight and then wash it off

2. Green Tea

The green tea is catechin-rich. That decreases inflammation and helps to suppress acne by inhibiting the growth of P. Acnes bacteria. And the topical use of green tea will help to reduce sebum secretion, as excess sebum production is one of the major causes of acne.

Remove the leaves from a tea bag or two and moist them with warm water. You can add the honey or to the leaves. Spread the mixture over the parts of the face that are susceptible to acne.
For 10 to 20 minutes keep the mask on. Then rinse it off

3. Turmeric

Besides being a proven anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, Turmeric have also anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-neoplastic (anti-cancer) properties.
In particular, the active ingredients of turmeric, the curcuminoids, are able to effectively counter the underlying causes of skin inflammation, which can range from oil accumulation to bacteria on the surface of the skin.

Want to know how turmeric boost your immune system read our article 5 Foods To Boost Your Immune System

Mix together one tablespoon of turmeric and one tablespoon of aloe gel and a little water. For better performance, use the mask weekly for ten to fifteen minutes

4. Aspirin

One of the most effective home remedies for acne is Aspirin. It can soothe acne as quickly as it can soothe your headache. It decreases the inflamed pimple due to the salicylic acid content and dries it out making it an easy and fast remedy for acne.

Combine the aspirin powder with 1 tablespoon of warm water to create a paste. Apply the aspirin paste directly to the acne only and leave it overnight.