
Top 7 Health Benefits of Cashew


Kidney-shaped seeds native to Brazil have become worldwide popular for their delicate flavor and extraordinary health benefits. Cashews are low in sugar, rich in fiber, healthy fats , and protein from plants. They ‘re also a good copper, magnesium , manganese, lutein, and zeaxanthin source.

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Bananas

Their nutrient abundance makes bananas a “superfood” and should be an important part of your balanced everyday diet. They provide digestion benefits, heart health benefits, and weight loss benefits. Besides being very healthy, they often constitute a very easy snack food.

Top Ten Health Benefits of Avocado


This stone fruit with a creamy texture is a popular addition to tables and menus worldwide. These are not only tasty, and filled with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can help you stay healthy but, avocado is high in healthy fats, While most of the fruits are mostly carbohydrate.

Health Benefits of Spinach


Popularized by the famous television show “Popeye-the Sailor Man”, Spinach is a green, leafy vegetable with a high nutritional value. It has been used throughout history by various cultures, especially in Mediterranean, Middle-Eastern and South-East Asian cuisines. This article explores how it can benefit your health