Kale Mango Smoothie

AuthorS. AfreenDifficultyBeginner

A smoothie is a thick blended beverage, typically pureed in a blender by adding fruits and/or vegetables as well as an additional liquid such as fruit or vegetable juice, milk, or even yogurt in a container and blending them together.

Compared to juice or shakes, smoothies have the additional advantage of being able to contain sources of strong protein and fat in addition to preserving the fiber quality, allowing them a more healthy meal of macro-nutrients and also promoting satiety.

Today we are sharing delicious and nutritious smoothie recipe using kale, mango, banana, and orange juice. 

Kale includes protein, enzymes, calcium, vitamins C and K, magnesium, and a wide variety of other nutrients that may help avoid different health issues. Its antioxidants enable the body to destroy toxic contaminants arising from natural activities and environmental stresses.

Mango is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and has been linked with many health benefits, including potential anticancer effects, and enhanced immune, cardiovascular, skin, and hair health.

Yields1 Serving
Cook Time0 min
 ½ cup kale leaves
 1 cup frozen mango chunks
 ¼ avocado
 ½ cup orange juice
 ½ frozen banana
 ½ cup milk of choice

Remove the tough center stem from kale leaves and peel the frozen banana.


Put all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until completely smooth.


Add more milk as needed to reach desired consistency. Enjoy immediately.




 ½ cup kale leaves
 1 cup frozen mango chunks
 ¼ avocado
 ½ cup orange juice
 ½ frozen banana
 ½ cup milk of choice



Remove the tough center stem from kale leaves and peel the frozen banana.


Put all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until completely smooth.


Add more milk as needed to reach desired consistency. Enjoy immediately.

Kale Mango Smoothie